Hawk Island Estates Property Owners Association, Inc.

Board Meeting Minutes

November 22, 2004


            Jerry Niedzwiecki

            Jim Lewis

            Pat Dexter

Cindy Howell

Jim Glickert           


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. at Jerry Niedzwiecki’s home.


1.      Officers


Jerry welcomed Pat Dexter to the board and thanked Jim Lewis for agreeing to serve one more year.  Jerry recommended that the officer positions of the Association remain the same as last year.  Cindy Howell motioned that this be approved.  All were in favor.  For the next year, Jerry Niedzwiecki shall be president; Jim Lewis shall be vice-president; Cindy Howell shall be treasurer and Jim Glickert shall be secretary.  Pat Dexter will serve at-large. 

2.      Insurance

At the recent annual meeting, the members of the Association asked the board to look into the need for personal liability insurance for the board members.  Jerry looked into this and talked to insurance representatives at Naught-Naught and State Farm.  Naught-Naught quoted a premium of $1,100 for a $1,000,000 policy.  We decided that we don’t need this insurance, and we’ll report this to the members at next year’s annual meeting. 

3.      Sewer compliance project

Jerry sent a letter to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources responding to the deficiencies found during their inspection in September.  Jerry said that Ned Goss passed along a bid received from Lake of the Ozarks Water and Sewer to install the weir that was required by MDNR.  The bid was $1,661 plus tax, but excludes the cost of pumping.

4.      Sewer plant improvement

Jerry signed the agreement with Total Environmental to replace the coarse air bubble diffusers with fine air bubble diffusers in the sewer plant.  This will increase the plant’s efficiency and allow the plant to handle the high volume of wastewater in the summer.  The cost is approximately $1,600 to $1,800.

5.      Water and wastewater services agreements

Jerry signed three-year agreements with Total Environmental Services and Lakes Country Environmental Management Services to maintain the water and sewer systems, respectively.  The agreements begin January 1, 2005.

6.      Assessment notices

Cindy presented a draft of the assessment notices.  After a brief review, we agreed to it with no changes.  In addition to the invoice, the notice will include:

·        Annual meeting minutes

·        2005 budget

·        Information sheet for homeowners directory. 


7.      Miscellaneous

·        The project to update the bylaws and restrictive covenants will be headed by Jim Glickert.  Jerry Niedzwiecki, Pat Dexter and Tom Otto will serve on the committee.

·        Jim Lewis gave Jerry the deed for Island Court.

·        Cindy suggested some improvements to the format of the budget, the most significant change being the costs for the water and sewer systems being shown separately.  We all agreed that this would be a good idea.

·        The Ellis’ request to enclose their rear deck was granted by Jerry on November 13.

·        We agreed to buy an air conditioner/heater unit from Jim Lewis for the well house.  The cost is substantially less than we would pay someone else for one.

·        We talked about putting up our own street signs near the triangle and the Ridgeview Terrace/Hawk Island Drive intersection to help alleviate some of the confusion for motorists.  Jerry and Jim Glickert will look into this.  Jim Lewis reminded us to make sure Camden County approves of what we do.

·        Jim Glickert asked if it would be OK for him to set up a website for the subdivision.  There would be no cost to the subdivision.  The board approved.


The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Glickert

November 23, 2004