Archived News and Information
August 27, 2012
Black Thunder Powerboats, a boat manufacturer formerly based in Hannibal, Missouri, has purchased Marina 44 for its new headquarters. The company, which suspended boat building several years ago due to economic conditions, plans to build its hulls at its Hannibal facility, then transport them to its new Lake location for rigging and completion. They plan to sell gasoline and offer rack storage and maintenance services as well.
A good question is whether the boat completion activity at the new location would be considered, under Camden County's Land Use Regulations, an industrial activity, which isn't allowed under the current commercial zoning (B-2 General Commercial) for that property.
May 24, 2012
Summit Natural Gas is bringing natural gas service to most of the Lake area, and their plans include connecting homes in Hawk Island Estates. This will provide a lower-cost alternative to homes currently heated by electricity or propane. They anticipate completing the project by the end of 2013.April 3, 2012
Our nearby neighbor, Marina 44, has been sold for $1.8 million. The sale closed on March 29th. The new owner is a gentleman from Chesterfield, Missouri. The marina will become a full-service marina, including gas sales, boat repair, rack storage, etc. Iguana Watersports will be renting six slips from the marina for boat and personal watercraft rentals this season.
January 22, 2012
In case this might be of interest, here's a short video of an aerial view of Hawk Island Estates and vicinity, from footage I recorded last August 26th while filming the Skaterfest Fun Run from a helicopter. Click on the image below to view it. (The video runs 1:24 in length, and is 12MB in size.)
To view the video in full high-definition (1920x1080, 305MB), click here.
January 16, 2012
One of the best benefits of living at the Lake is seeing birds that you'd rarely, if ever, see in the big city. How many city dwellers can say a red-tailed hawk landed on their window ledge, no more than five feet away from them? Here's a 26-second video of such an incident that happened today, in addition to a two-minute video of eagle and blue heron activity on the lake last February. (Click on a thumbnail below to view.)
July 21, 2011
Here are some photos of our pool, tennis court and play area following completion of the renovation project undertaken this past spring. Click on a thumbnail to view the full-size image. Photos courtesy of Mark Tinges.
June 5, 2011
After owning the island and several properties adjacent to Hawk Island Estates for the past twelve years, Bob VanStavern has put them up for sale.
February 11, 2011
To view the above panoramic image in its full size, click here (1.3MB).
Here's a short video of what the powerful blizzard that hit the Lake of the Ozarks on February 1st looked like in our subdivision.
Select a video screen size (high-speed Internet connection required):
Small size (640 x 360; 75MB)
Large size (1280 x 720; 243MB)
November 12, 2010
Information about the tennis court repair project discussed at the recent annual meeting, including the PowerPoint presentation, bid proposals, photos, etc., can be found by clicking here (33 pages, .pdf format, 2MB).